Amateur Radio Association of Lanka

What we are

We are ARAL, the Amateur Radio Association of Lanka, a collection of dynamic individuals involved in HAM as a hobby. As a non-profit organization created in 2010 for the sole purpose of promoting amateur radio activity in Sri Lanka, while increasing awareness of same and facilitating “emergency readiness” to provide comms support in a disaster situation.

Speaking on behalf of the Sri Lankan HAMs, ARAL carries the “Amateur voice” about regulatory and spectrum issues to the discussion table with government agencies such as the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission and the Ministry of Defense, nationally and other HAM societies and other bodies of interest, internationally.

ARAL also provides many services to its members and the HAM community at large by providing technical assistance especially to young individuals interested in the hobby, and in maintaining many repeaters on varied radio bands.

Our Mission

  • To promote the general advancement and diffusion of knowledge of science and practice of electronics and to play a pivotal role in training and educating Sri Lankan youth in Amateur Radio in order to provide them with an interesting hobby that will pave the way to gainful employment in the fields of electronics and telecommunication, while enhancing their knowledge in English.
  • To serve the country at times of distress or national disaster and to promote international goodwill, peace, and understanding through Amateur Radio.